Maevva Services trained Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) County Level Facilitators (CLFs) and County Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) from seven counties to use their AgriMonitor application. AgriMonitor is a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) application that allows easy collection and reporting of agribusiness information at multiple levels. The training is part of a larger project intended to develop the capacity of smallholder pig farmers so that embrace piggery best practices while improving their businesses to generate profit.
The training consisted of indoor sessions and field visits to selected pig farms. During the indoor sessions, trainees learned about the app’s features and functionalities, and practiced navigating farms to evaluate their performance against the project’s Objectives and Expected Outcomes, by answer questions in a predefined questionnaire. The field visits provided hands-on experience using the app to collect data from pig farmers, where the CLFs and CAHWs practiced asking the questions and recording answers, taking pictures and recording comments against Key Performance Indicators.
The training was successful in enhancing the trainees’ understanding and ability to use AgriMonitor. Trainees were curious to learn more about the app and demonstrated a moderate understanding of its use. With more practice, they are expected to become more familiar and comfortable using the app for data collection and analysis.
Overall, the AgriMonitor App training equipped enumerators with the necessary skills to collect data from piggery beneficiaries in Liberia. This data will be used to inform decision-making and improve pig farming productivity and profitability in the country.
Read more about AgriMonitor’s features and functionality from our Solutions page.