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Business Ready Transition

Many grant funded programs, especially those focused on sector upgrades, value chain development, poverty reduction, and economy boosting programs, aim to stimulate growth, increase productivity, or some other objective that implies sustainability.  The success of these programs are usually measured by its ability to achieve targeted increases and improvements during the project, while lacking identified vehicles for sustainability after the finite duration of the project.  This is especially true in the agriculture sector where farmers, processors and other key private sector stakeholders are supported and then relied on to sustain program achievements…

The concept of Business Ready Transition (BRT) recognizes that in most cases these program’s achievements aren’t sustained because the long term custodians of those achievements aren’t properly prepared to take on such challenges. Hence, we must provide these “Custodians of Success” with the tools and capacity to sustain and improve upon successful program results.

News & Events

Maevva Services Facilitates Consultation on Commercial Poultry Farming in Liberia
Maevva along with the Ministry of Agriculture’s Rural Economic Agriculture Transformation Project (RETRAP) and other stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including commercial poultry farmers, processors and other value chain members, researchers and academia, recently concluded a one day meeting to discuss the challenges and opportunities that exist for commercial poultry farming in Liberia. 
Training RETRAP/MOA Personnel to use AgriMonitor for efficient M&E Data Collection​
Maevva Services trained 22 RETRAP personnel (see attendance attached) to use the AgriMonitor, an automated M&E Application software designed and developed by Maevva Services. Maevva Services is contracted by RETRAP to conduct M&E on selected RETRAP piggery beneficiaries. Those trained will serve as enumerators...
New Release Coming Soon
Version 2 of AgriMonitor & MonitorMate is set to be released soon.


Mr. Bai M. Best​

Managing Director,  Daily Observer

“As a legacy Liberian media company in its second generation of leadership, the Liberian Observer Corporation is at the forefront of (or faces) existential challenges that have a broader impact on our industry. The consultants at Maevva Services obsess over these challenges to help us discover, design and deliver new paradigms and models that future proof our business and pave the way for others to follow. Ultimately, this is a new kind of industry leadership.

Dr. Etagegnehu D. Belayneh ​

Livestock Development Specialist, RETRAP Project, MOA

“Maevva Services has given us access to much needed data from pig farmers to help make decisions on critical interventions to improve the value chain. The Ministry of Agriculture’s RETRAP project funded by the World Bank, has a development objective to improve productivity, increase production and improve market linkages in livestock value chains. Maevva has worked well with our project to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and develop a digital Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system to monitor 500 smallholder pig farmers, which has been instrumental in monitoring the impact of climate smart pig husbandry focusing on animal health and welfare practices. The M&E system allows smallholder farmers to evaluate the quality of care given to their animals against a benchmark set by the project.

Ms. Amanda Hill

CEO, Fresh To Go Inc

Maevva Services Limited brought structure to my business. They excelled at monetizing the business to demonstrate value, capacity and income generation. They put me in the “sweet spot” to attract investors and funding partners

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